Heirloom Organic Texas Indian Pumpkin Seeds Aka Moschata Winter Squash
Texas Indian Seeds (5 seeds)
texas-indian-winter-squash-moschata Texas Indian Cucurbita moschata
Start indoors 3–4 weeks before last frost, plant out 2 weeks after last frost. Start 3 seeds in flats or 4” pots, thin to 1-2 plants. Direct seed after last frost or soil 70˚F. Seeds will rot in cool wet soil. 5-6 seeds to a 12” diameter hill or disturbed area. Can transplant end of last frost with row cover. Cucurbita moschata needs more heat than C. pepo and C. maxima to mature fruit. Pinch new blossoms midsummer to encourage larger fruit. Will not store well after hard frost damage. Store in a cool, dry place. Ideal temperatures are between 50–60° F and humidity of 50-70%. Once the fruit has matured, the seeds will be done developing. Seed development is unrelated to the ripening process of the fruit. Soil pH 5.8-7.0. Hardiness zones 4-11. Annual.
Large leaved rambling vines grow large orange fruit with flattened pumpkin shape. Squashes ripen to mellow tan-orange skin color, 10-15 lbs. Excellent winter storage keeper. Seed from Curtis Showell. Tags: Type: Moschata, Color: Bi-Colored, Shape: Elongated, Specialty:
Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 176-300 seeds per ounce. Average 15M seeds per acre. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life: 6 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.
Planting Depth 1/2-1”
Soil Temp. Germ. 70-85˚F
Days to Germ. 3-10
Plant Spacing 18-24”
Row Spacing 6’
Days To Maturity 100–110
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained